Neuroethics Experts

The following International Neuroethics Society members have identified themselves as experts in specific areas of neuroethics and agree to receive queries from the press, requests to be a mentor, consultations with other professionals, and for other questions related to their expertise.

The views and opinions expressed by these individuals are solely their own and do not represent the policies, positions, views, or opinions of the International Neuroethics Society and its members.

Members may join or update details using the online form. To be removed, contact staff.

V. Antonio Amodio, MD, Psychiatrist, PhD

39 080 4240994
[email protected]

  • Chief, Department of Mental Health, Italian Public Health Service;
  • Former Professor, Bioethics for Medical Sciences, Landesfachhochschule Bozen Italy;
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Philosophical perspective on technology and psychiatry; Psychiatry and biolaw;

Research Focus: Moral Enhancement and psychiatric disorders with moral pathologies; Psychopathy;

Paul S. Appelbaum, MD

[email protected]

  • Dollard Professor of Psychiatry, Medicine & Law, Columbia University;
  • Director, Center for Research on Ethical/Legal/Social Implications of Psychiatric, Neurologic & Behavioral Genetics, Columbia University;
  • Chair, Standing Committee on Ethics, World Psychiatric Association;
  • Chair, DSM Steering Committee, American Psychiatric Association;
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Genetic ethics; Neuroethics; Research ethics; Informed consent; Decisional capacity; Law and psychiatry;

Research Focus: Ethical, legal and social implications of advances in psychiatric and behavioral genetics;

Image of James Beauregard

James Beauregard, PhD

1-603 860-3232
[email protected]

  • Lecturer, PsyD Program, Department of Education, Rivier University, Nashua, NH;
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Clinical neuropsychology; Dementia; Ageing; Theoretical neuroethics;

Areas of Interest: Philosophical foundations of neuroethics; Neuroethics and the human person; Neuroethics and philosophy of technology; Clinical and ethical aspects involved in the care of individuals with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.

Research Focus: Theoretical foundations of neuroethics and the neuroethics of neurotechnology;

Tim Brown headshot

Timothy Emmanuel Brown, PhD, Philosophy

[email protected]

  • NIH Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Philosophy, University of Washington;
  • Early Career Scholar, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Biomedical ethics, philosophy of technology, feminist philosophy, aesthetics;

Research Focus: Currently, my projects ask how neurotechnologies change how their users experience or exercise agency, and if those changes come with moral problems.

Image of Laura Cabrera

Laura Y. Cabrera, B.Eng., MA, PhD

[email protected]

  • Associate Professor, Center for Neural Engineering, Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Pennsylvania State University (PSU);
  • Dorothy Foehr Huck and J. Lloyd Huck Chair in Neuroethics, Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences, PSU;
  • Faculty member, Center for Neural Engineering, PSU;
  • Member, Rock Ethics Institute, PSU;
  • Co-chair, Program Committee, International Neuroethics Society (INS);
  • Member, Emerging Issues Advisory Task Force, INS;

Areas of Expertise: Neuroethics; Applied ethics; Ethics of emerging technologies; Neurotechnology; Ethical and social issues in deep brain stimulation and transcranial electrical stimulation (tDCS); Cognitive, affective, and social enhancement; Public attitudes around neurotechnology; International neuroethics; Environmental neuroethics;

Research Focus: Laura Cabrera's interests focus on the ethical and societal implications of neurotechnology, in particular when this is used without a clear medical purpose. She has been working on projects that explore the attitudes of the general public toward pharmacological and brain stimulation enhancing interventions, as well as their normative implications. Her current work also focuses on the ethical and social implications of environmental changes for brain and mental health.

Image of Renato César Cardoso

Renato César Cardoso, LLB, LLM, LLD

55 31-9999763771
[email protected]

  • Academic Visitor, Barcelona University (2013-2014); 
  • Philosophy of Law Professor (Tenured), Faculty of Law and Sciences of State, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil;
  • Coordinator, Sciences of State Program, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil;
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society

Areas of Expertise: Neurolaw; Free will; Morality;

Research Focus: The (non-)existence of free will and the consequences this entails to law, morality and responsibility; Implications of neuroscience in relation to public policies and politics;

Image of Adrian Carter

Adrian Carter, PhD

[email protected]
Monash webpage

  • Senior and NHMRC Research Fellow and Head, Neuroethics and Public Policy Group School of Psychological Sciences and Monash Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neurosciences;
  • Director, Neuroethics Program, Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Integrative Brain Function;
  • Deputy Chair, Australian Academy of Science Early-Mid Career Research Forum Executive;
  • Board member, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Drug addiction; Behavioural addictions; Deep brain stimulation; Parkinson's disease and other neurological disorders; Non-invasive brain stimulation; mHeatlh and wearable technologies; Mental health policy and public health; Personality and identity; Lived experiences;

Research Focus: My current research examines the impact of neuroscience on understanding and treatment of addiction and other compulsive behaviours (e.g. gambling, food addiction, internet gaming, hypersexualtiy), including: our notions of agency, identity and moral responsibility; the use of coercion and the capacity for voluntary control of addictive or compulsive behaviours; lived experiences of addiction, and the use of emerging technologies (e.g. deep brain stimulation, virtual reality, wearable technologies) to treat addiction.

Image of Hervé Chneiweiss

Hervé Chneiweiss, MD PhD

331 4427 5294
[email protected]

  • Director, Department of Neuroscience, and Team Leader, Glial Plasticity and brain tumors, Institut de Biologie Paris Seine, University Pierre and Marie Curie;
  • Director of Research, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS);
  • President, Medical and Health Research Ethics Committee, Institut National de la Santé et de la recherche Médicale (Inserm);
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Neurology; Biology of glial cells; Brain tumors; Gliomas; Neural stem cells; Neurodegenerative disorders; Anticipation; Environmental neuroethics;

Research Focus: Impact of biomarkers on anticipation of the disease;

Image of Jayashree Dasgupta

Jayashree Dasgupta, MPhil, PhD

+91 9717855700
[email protected]
LinkedIn Profile

  • Co-Founder and Project Director, Samvedna Senior Care, India;
  • Principal Investigator NeuroGenE (Global Initiative in Neuropsychiatric GenEthics), Sangath, India;
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society;
  • Program Committee co-chair, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Clinical psychology; Global mental health;

Research Focus: Exploring opinions towards use of cognitive enhancements with children in LMIC; Development of services for geriatric care in India;

Profile image of Veljko Dubljevic

Veljko Dubljevic, Ph.D., D.Phil.

01 919-515-6219
[email protected]
Research group

  • University Faculty Scholar
  • Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, North Carolina State University;
  • Editor in Chief of American Journal of Bioethics - Neuroscience
  • Board member, International Neuroethics Society

Areas of Expertise: NeuroComputational ethics; Ethics of AI; Cognitive enhancement; Cognitive neuroscience of ethics; Ethics of technology; Science, technology and society (STS)

Research Focus: NeuroComputational modeling of moral decision making, and ethical analysis of neurostimulation technology;

Image of Nita Farahany

Nita Farahany, JD, PhD

01 919-613-8514
[email protected]

  • Professor of Law & Philosophy, Duke University;
  • Director, Duke Science & Society;
  • Chair, Duke MA in Bioethics & Science Policy;
  • Co-Editor and Chief, Journal of Law and the Biosciences;
  • Member, Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues (2010-2017);
  • President Elect and Board Member, International Neuroethics Society;
  • Board Member, LEAP Panel for Harvard Football Players Study;
  • Member, NIH MCWG Brain Initiative;
  • Past President, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Law and neuroscience, Bioethics; Neuroscience and privacy; Consumer tDCS and EEG devices; Cognitive enhancement;

Research Focus: Nita A. Farahany is a leading scholar on the ethical, legal, and social implications of biosciences and emerging technologies, particularly those related to neuroscience and behavioral genetics.

Ashley Feinsinger profile image

Ashley Feinsinger, PhD

01 310-206-1532
[email protected]

  • Assistant Professor and Chair of Ethics Theme, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA
  • Affiliated Faculty in Philosophy and Disability Studies, UCLA;
  • Principal Investigator, Feinsinger Lab;
  • Member, UCLA Brain Research Institute;
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Neuroethics; Philosophy; Philosophy of Language; Intracranial research; BCI early feasibility research; participant engagement

Research Focus: Ethics of basic neuroscience research in humans and improving participant engagement in neurotechnology research

Image of Joseph J. Fins

Joseph J. Fins, MD, MACP, FRCP

01 212-746-4246
[email protected]

  • E. William Davis, Jr. M.D. Professor of Medical Ethics, Professor of Medicine, and Chief of the Division of Medical Ethics, Weill Cornell Medical College;
  • Solomon Center Distinguished Scholar in Medicine, Bioethics and the Law, Yale Law School;
  • Adjunct Faculty, Rockefeller University;
  • President, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Neuroethics, brain injury, disorders of consciousness, brain death, vegetative state, minimally conscious state, neuromodulation, deep brain stimulation, clinical ethics, law and medicine, disability rights

Research Focus: Application of a disability rights paradigm related to treatment of moderate to severe brain injury

Paul Ford profile image

Paul J. Ford, PhD

01 216-312-6795
[email protected]

  • Director, NeuroEthics Program, Cleveland Clinic;
  • Associate Professor, CCF Lerner College of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University;
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Invasive brain stimulation; Non-invasive brain stimulation; Clinical neuroethics; Epilepsy; Movement disorders; Psychiatry; Dementia; Intensive care; Deep brain stimulation; Research; Psychogenic diseases; Research design; Qualitative research; End of life; Surgery; Multiple sclerosis;

Research Focus: Studies of stakeholder perspectives and experiences in neurosurgery, chronic neurological diseases, or acute neurological injury with respect to ethics of innovation, policy, and clinical care;

Tamami Fukushi profile image

Tamami Fukushi, PhD

[email protected]
Research profile »

  • Professor, Faculty of Human Welfare, Department of Human Welfare, Tokyo Online University
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society

Areas of Expertise: Neuroethics; Responsible Research and Innovation; Research on Research; Regulatory Science; Science Communication; Neuroscience

Research Focus: My current interest is neuroethics for responsible research and innovation and education of advanced technology of neuroscience in the context of science policy and regulatory science.

James Giordano, PhD, MPhil

01 202-687-1160
[email protected]

  • Professor, Departments of Neurology and Biochemistry, Georgetown University Medical Center;
  • Chief, Neuroethics Studies Program, Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics, GU Medical Center;
  • Fellow, Biosecurity, Technology, and Ethics, US Naval War College
  • Chair, Neuroethics Program, IEEE Brain Initiative;
  • Member, Neuroethics, Legal and Social Issues Advisory Panel, Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA);
  • Senior Scientific Advisory Fellow, Strategic Multilayer Assessment Group, Joint Staff, The Pentagon;

Areas of Expertise: Neurotechnology; Deep brain stimulation; Transcranial electrical stimulation; Forensic/Predictive neuroscience; Cognitive and emotional enhancement; Military neuroscience and technology; Pain control; International neuroethics; Use of neuroscience and neurotechnology in public safety and national security, intelligence and defense initiatives; Use of brain stimulation techniques to modify and enhance cognitive, emotional and/or behavioral functions; Technical and ethical issues in deep brain stimulation (DBS) and transcranial electrical stimulation (tDCS);

Research Focus: Neuroethical issues arising in and from neuroscientific and neurotechnologic research and use in medicine, public life and national security and defense;

Image of Saskia Hendriks

Saskia Hendriks, MD, PhD

+1 301 435 8725
[email protected]

  • Faculty member, Department of Bioethics, Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health;
  • Neuroethics consultant, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke;
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Research ethics; Ethical, legal and societal implications of emerging technologies;

Image of Karen Herrera Ferrá

Karen Herrera-Ferrá, MD, PhD

+ 52 1 55 41338062
[email protected]

  • Founder and Ex-President, Asociación Mexicana de Neuroética (Mexican Association of Neuroethics), State of Mexico, Mexico;
  • Board member, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: International neuroethics; Neuroethics in the developing world; Considerations of ethnographic, cultural and neurocognitive diversity in the use of neuroscience and neurotechnology; Violence; Psychiatry; Global mental health; Human rights;

Research Focus: Biocultural considerations and ethical, legal and social issues and concerns in the use of neuroscience and neurotechnology in developed, developing and non-developed countries;

Image of Marcello Ienca

Marcello Ienca

+41 44 632 03 13
[email protected]

  • Senior Research Fellow, Department of Health Sciences and Technology, Competence Center for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science, ETH Zurich;
  • Steering Group on Neurotechnology, Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development (OECD);
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Theoretical neuroethics; Empirical neuroethics; Data ethics and governance; Ethics of artificial intelligence; Theoretical cognitive science; User-centered and ethical design; Technology assessment; Technology and human rights; Health policy; Research ethics; Philosophy of mind; Philosophy of science; Philosophy of technology;

Research Focus: My research focuses on the ethics and governance of biomedical data, ethically aligned artificial intelligence (AI), neuroethics, responsible innovation for emerging technologies at the human-​machine interface and on the nexus between emerging technologies and human rights. I combine philosophical and empirical methods. I am the PI of several research projects on in the areas of neurotechnology, Artificial Intelligence, and digital health. I am also an expert advisor to the Council of Europe’s Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence and a member of the Steering Group on Neurotechnology and Society of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development (OECD).

Image of Judy Illes

Judy Illes, PhD, FRSC, FCAHS

1 (604) 822-0746
[email protected]

  • Professor and Director, National Core for Neuroethics, Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine, University of British Columbia;
  • Canada Research Chair in Neuroethics;
  • Past President, International Neuroethics Society; 

Areas of Expertise: Neuroethics; Neurotechnology; Biomedical ethics; Incidental findings; Neuroimaging, addiction; Mental health

Research Focus: Ethical, legal, social and policy implications of advances in the neurological sciences;

Image of Syd Johnson

L. Syd M Johnson, PhD, HEC-C

1 315-992-5376
[email protected]
@[email protected]
University profile

  • Associate Professor, Center for Bioethics and Humanities, SUNY Upstate Medical University;
  • Clinical Ethics Consultant: Upstate Hospitals;
  • Member, Neuroethics Working Group, NIH BRAIN Initiative;
  • Associate editor, Neuroethics;
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Research ethics, animal ethics, brain injury, disorders of consciousness, brain death, brain implants;

Research Focus: Disorders of consciousness, brain death, animal research;

Profile image of Fabrice Jotterand

Fabrice Jotterand, PhD, MA

+1 414-955-8451
[email protected]

  • Professor & Director, Graduate Program in Bioethics, Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities, Medical College of Wisconsin;
  • Director, Philosophies of Medical Education Transformation Laboratory (P-METaL), Robert D. and Patricia E. Kern Institute for the Transformation of Medical Education, Medical College of Wisconsin;
  • Senior Researcher, Institute for Biomedical Ethics, University of Basel;
  • Co-Editor, 'Advances in Neuroethics' book series
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Neuroethics; cognitive and moral bioenhancement; use of neurotechnologies in psychiatry; personal identity and neurotechnologies; anthropological implications of human-embodied AI interfaces; medical professionalism; philosophy of medicine; bioethics; moral/political philosophy;

Research Focus: Ethical, anthropological, social, and regulatory implications of emerging neurotechnologies in the clinical and social context.

Image of Ralf Jox

Ralf J. Jox, MD PhD

+41 79 556 6258
[email protected]
University Profile

  • Associate Professor of Medical Ethics, Faculty of Medicine and Biology, University of Lausanne;
  • Chair, Clinical Ethics Unit, Institute of Humanities in Medicine, Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), Switzerland;
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Clinical neuroethics, disorders of consciousness, dementia, brain death, brain-computer interface

Research Focus: My current work in neuroethics is focused on ethical and anthropological implications of brain-computer interfaces.

Image of Philipp Kellmeyer

Philipp Kellmeyer, Dr med, MD, MPhil

[email protected]
University Profile

  • Department of Neurosurgery, University of Freiburg Medical Center;
  • Intracranial EEG and Brain Imaging Group, Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg;
  • Affiliated Researcher, Instiute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine, University of Zurich (Switzerland);
  • Board member, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Neurology; Neuroimaging; Cognitive Neuroscience; Brain-Computer Interfacing; Neurophilosophy; Neuroethics;

Research Focus: I currently work on a novel wireless brain-computer interface for severely paralyzed patients;

Image of Eran Klein

Eran Klein, MD/PhD

[email protected]
University profile

  • Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Oregon Health and Science University;
  • Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Washington;
  • Consultant Neuroethicist, Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering, University of Washington;
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society

Areas of Expertise: Neurology; Neurotechnology; Brain-computer interface (BCI); Deep brain stimulation (DBS); Dementia; Informed consent;

Research Focus: I currently work on ethical issues arising from the development and translation of neurotechnologies, specifically brain-computer interface (BCI) and deep brain stimulation (DBS).

Image of Karola Kreitmair

Karola Kreitmair, PhD, MSc

[email protected]

  • Assistant Professor, Department of Medical History and Bioethics, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Wisconsin–Madison;
  • Clinical Ethics Consultant, University of Wisconsin Hospital;
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Clinical neuroethics; Consciousness; Digital behavioral technology

Research Focus: Recent work includes ethical issues around allocation strategies for critical resources; the ethics of digital behavioral technology, with a particular focus on the phenomenological, epistemological, and existential implications of self-tracking technology; and the ethical duties generated by consciousness, such as in minimally conscious state patients and cerebral organoids.

Denis Larrivee, PhD

1 864-607-3442
[email protected]
[email protected]

  • Visiting Scholar, Neiswanger Bioethics Institute, Loyola University Chicago;
  • Former Assistant Professor, Weill Cornell University Medical School, NYC;
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society;
  • Member, International Association Catholic Bioethicists;

Areas of Expertise: Philosophical perspectives on human nature, neuroscience, and neurotechnology; Ethical and cultural implications of neuroenhancement;

Research Focus: Philosophical and ethical issues at the intersection of human nature and neurotechnology; Neuroaugmentation and philosophy of systems;

Gabriel Lazaro-Munoz headshot

Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz, PhD, JD, MBE

[email protected]
University profile

  • Assistant Professor, Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy, Baylor College of Medicine;
  • Chair, Ethics Committee, International Society of Psychiatric Genetics;
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Invasive neuromodulation; psychosurgery; deep brain stimulation for movement disorders; deep brain stimulation for psychiatric disorders; pediatric deep brain stimulation; genetics; psychiatric genetics, ELSI; embryo screening for polygenic conditions;

Research Focus: Current NIH-funded grants focus on neuroethics issues related to closed-loop deep brain stimulation, pediatric deep brain stimulation, and psychiatric genetics.

Lori Marino headshot

Lori Marino, PhD

[email protected]
Work profile

  • President, Whale Sanctuary Project;
  • Executive Director, The Kimmela Center for Animal Advocacy;
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Comparative neuroscience, animal behavior, brain evolution, intelligence; consciousness, self-awareness, cetaceans;

Research Focus: The evolution of brain and intelligence in cetaceans

Image of José M. Muñoz

José M. Muñoz, PhD

+1 (617) 251-4265
[email protected]
Berkeley Profile / Twitter

  • Research Fellow, Kavli Center for Ethics, Science, and the Public, University of California, Berkeley;
  • Board member, Mexican Association of Neuroethics (AMNE)
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Neurorights; Neurolaw; Philosophy of mind and action; Free will;

Research Focus: Theoretical foundations of neurorights and neurolaw.

Image of Emily Murphy

Emily R.D. Murphy, PhD, JD

[email protected]

  • Professor of Law and Harry & Lillian Hastings Research Chair, UC Law SF;
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Behavioral neuroscience; Law; Brain science as evidence; Brain-science based policy; Addiction; Criminal law; Litigation; Public interest law; Civil rights; Disability; Education;

Image of Reina Nadler

Reina R. Nadler MA, JD

[email protected]
University profile

  • PhD Candidate, Peter A. Allard School of Law, University of British Columbia; Graduate Research Assistant, Neuroethics Canada, University of British Columbia;
  • Member, Governance Committee, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Law and neuroscience; Scientific expertise in democracies; Social impact of brain science; Neuroenhancement; Regulation of neurotechnology and neurosurgery; Neuroethics and trans studies;

Research Focus: If a society's legal system embraces neurotechnologies for detecting mental states, assessing criminal risk, or 'reforming' prisoners, can it remain egalitarian and democratic in character?

Peter B. Reiner headshot

Peter B. Reiner, VMD, PhD

[email protected]

  • Professor of Neuroethics, Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia;
  • Faculty member, UBC ICICS Centre for Artificial Intelligence Decision-making and Action;
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Cognitive enhancement, autonomy, privacy of thought, Empirical neuroethics

Research Focus: Neuroethics of artificial intelligence, especially the issues associated with AI as a means of cognitive enhancement

Julie Robillard, PhD

1 (604) 827-0642
[email protected]

  • Assistant Professor of Neurology, Department of Medicine, University of British Columbia;
  • Faculty, National Core for Neuroethics and Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health;

Areas of Expertise: Neuroethics; aging; dementia; technology; eHealth; Social media;

Research Focus: Ethics of emerging technologies for dementia and mental health research and care;

Image of Karen Rommelfanger

Karen Rommelfanger, PhD Neuroscience

1 (404) 727-1150
[email protected]

  • Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology and Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Center for Ethics, Emory University;
  • Director, Neuroethics Program, Center for Ethics, Emory University;
  • Editor-in-Residence (Neuroscience), American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience;
  • Member, NIH BRAIN Initiative Neuroethics Workgroup;

Areas of Expertise: Bioethics; Neuroscience; Placebo; Brain machine interface; Brain stimulation; Psychogenic disorders; Cross-cultural ethics; Psychiatry; Neurology; Mind-body; Cognitive enhancement; Neural prosthetics;

Research Focus: Dr. Karen S. Rommelfanger's research explores how evolving neuroscience and neurotechnologies challenge societal definitions of disease and medicine. A key part of her work is fostering communication across multiple stakeholders in neuroscience. As such she edits the largest international online neuroethics discussion forum The Neuroethics Blog and she is a frequent contributor and commentator in popular media such as The New York Times, USA Today, and The Huffington Post.

Image of John Sadler

John Z. Sadler, MD

+01 214-648-4960
[email protected]

  • Professor of Psychiatry & Clinical Sciences and the Daniel W. Foster, MD Professor of Medical Ethics, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center;
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society

Areas of Expertise: Psychiatric ethics; Philosophy of psychiatry; Psychiatric diagnosis; Crime and mental illness;

Research Focus: Currently my major projects are two books: authoring "Vice and Psychiatric Diagnosis," a consideration of whys and implications of wrongful and criminal concepts in psychiatric categories, and co-editing "The Oxford Handbook of Psychotherapy Ethics," a reference text with Manuel Trachsel as lead editor.

Laura Specker Sullivan, PhD

+1 (206) 543-5855
[email protected]

  • Postdoctoral Neuroethics Fellow, Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering, University of Washington;
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, National Core for Neuroethics, University of British Columbia;
  • Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Washington
  • Board member, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Biomedical ethics; Ethical theory; Neuroethics; Cross-cultural ethics; Japanese philosophy; Philosophy of law; Informed consent; Brain computer tnterfaces

Research Focus: Conceptual and empirical ethical issues at the intersection of ethical theory, biomedical science, and society; Current projects include studies of brain computer interfaces, persuasive technology, and Japanese informed consent practices;

Francis Shen profile photo

Francis X. Shen, JD, PhD

[email protected]

  • Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School Center for Bioethics and MGH Department of Psychiatry;
  • Harvard University Affiliated Professor, Harvard Law School;
  • Faculty Member, MGH Center for Law, Brain & Behavior;
  • Director of Education & Outreach, MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law & Neuroscience;
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Law and neuroscience; criminal law; diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI); neuroethics; bioethics; AI ethics; technology ethics; empirical bioethics; quantitative and survey analysis; research ethics; sports concussions;

Research Focus: Legal and ethical challenges and opportunities arising from advances in neuroscience, neurotechnology, and AI

Image of Anthony Weiss

Anthony Weiss, MD, MBA

[email protected]
Faculty profile

  • Chief Medical Officer, Beth Israel Lahey Health, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center;
  • Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School;
  • Faculty, Center for Bioethics, Harvard Medical School;
  • Member, International Neuroethics Society;
  • Member, Emerging Issues Advisory Task Force, International Neuroethics Society;

Areas of Expertise: Biomendical ethics, Neuroethics, Psychiatric ethics, Psychosurgery, Cognitive liberty/neuroprivacy, Regulatory aspects of healthcare delivery;